Monday, October 6, 2008

Release The Sheaths

Not so much.  

I just bought the new Ipod Classic.  I had "I Will Dare" engraved on the back (this comes free) which I'm very excited about.  But that's where the me-getting-what-works-for-me component of the transaction comes to an abrupt halt.

I need to buy a new computer to accommodate the new ipod - but that's not even what I'm bitching about (my computer is way out of date anyway).  I'm bitching about the fact that I just went to the Apple store with goal of buying a leather protective case, or sheath for my new 'pod, only to find that Apple hasn't yet released sheaths designed for their new model.  I was told by a Sophomore in turquoise that I could buy last year's sheath and try to force my new model into it.

I've stuck it in the wrong place before, and I know where that leads (lolwaytooeasyiknow!).  Apple is guilty of the same ruthless, overly eager abandon as George W. Bush, sending their troops into combat without the proper body armor.

"That'll be two-hundred fifty dollars.  And have fun getting it all scratched up when you inevitably drop it during the daily grind, asshole!  Oh, and you can't use it until you get a new computer."  (How could I reasonably not bitch about that?)

The point is, don't put out the product until you can put out the shit we need to take care of it.  

A wake up call to the company that invented the iphone, ipod, itunes and the yet-to-be-unveiled revolutionized Macbook carved out of high grade aluminum with a fucking laser:  RELEASE THE SHEATHS.

Because we need somethin' to stick it in.

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