Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I have a new website!


A real website! Isn't that exciting? No? Well it is for me. Not to hurt this blog's feelings, but I've felt a little weird using it as my home base. Yes, it's hilarious, and yes, I'm an incredible person no matter what I choose to call my home base. But still, it was time for something more professional. Oh, and I hadn't spent money I should have been saving to do something really vain and frivolous in a while...

Anyway, do yourself - oh who am I kidding? - me a favor, and check out brendanmclaughlin.com. Big thanks to photographer Carl Timpone, designer Kyle Kostesich and programmer Andrew Ciesla for letting me pay and nag them. Enjoy!

Hey, why are you still reading this? You should be on my WEBSITE, jackass. Don't worry, it links back to here. What's that? Pointless? Waste of money? Hey fuck you asshole! I have a website!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Maybe I should have voted differently...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Should I accept this myspace friend request?